Maya Tangeberg- Grischin, Swiss director, pedagogue, performer and researcher, is a specialist in physical theatre. She has studied mime and theatre at Jaques Lecoq’s school of international theatre in Paris in the 1960-ties and directing under Radu Penciulescu in Stockholm. She has also studied Indian classical dance and theatre, especially kutiyattam of Kerala, dance in Bali and Chinese opera at NACTA, Beijing. She holds a PHD in acting and theatre from the University of Arts in Finland.
She has directed many dramas, dance theatre productions and operas in Sweden, Finland, Germany, Poland and India. She founded her own school of physical theatre in Vaasa/Finland and has conducted workshops in Europe and India and presented papers in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Poland, Spain, India and China. She researches in gesture language, mime and female expressions in the classical Asian theatre arts.
At present she is touring with her solo: Daughter from the House of the Flying Sleeves”.