Daniel Spaeti studied Industrial Design at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and worked 6 years in product development and design at Bally, a global fashion brand. Since 2001 he is a lecturer in the department of design at Zurich University of the Arts, where he is deputy head of BA Style & Design and teaching at MA in Design/Event. In 2008 he initiated a transcultural and cross-disciplinary cooperation between ZHdK and National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts in Beijing, the major educational institution of Peking Opera in China. Since 2014 he is further developing this project towards a new international graduate semester program, which is part of a strategic initiative by ZHdK in collaboration with various art institutions from South East Asia and based in Hong Kong. Since 2012 he is a research associate and at present co-leading a major research program supported by the National Scientific Research Foundation of Switzerland in the field of “Event Culture and City Development”. Next to university he works as an independent designer, curator and cultural entrepreneur in the fields of events, festivals, conferences, exhibitions and concerts.